SINTA™ F Fibres, SINTA™ M Fibres, SINTA™ FDS

Control early age plastic shrinkage with synthetic microfibres

Where fibres are concerned, the rate at and consistency at which they're delivered into concrete is as important as the makeup of the fibres themselves. SINTA™ F Fibres can be specified wherever contractors need to reduce early age plastic shrinkage cracking, lower permeability, increase durability and more. The SINTA™ FDS is an innovative fluid dispensing system delivering the microfibres efficiently at the batching plant.


Where to use SINTA™ F Fibres?

SINTA™ F Fibres may be used in any application where designers, contractors, or producers want decreased cracking due to plastic settlement. These microfibres help to lower permeability. In addition, SINTA™ F, SINTA™ M or SINTA™ FDS microfibres increase concrete cohesiveness, which enables contractors to place concrete on steep inclines and in slipform without tremendous difficulty. Applications where synthetic microfibres can be used include slabs on grade, overlays, sloped walls, pools, shotcrete, stucco, tunnels, precast and prestressed products.

What are the advantages of SINTA™ F Fibres?

Use of SINTA™ F Fibres reinforces a fresh concrete mixture while its tensile strength is weakest by mechanically locking into the concrete matrix. Plastic shrinkage cracking and permeability are both reduced. At the same time, SINTA™ F Fibres increase impact, abrasion, shatter and fire-spalling resistance of the concrete. Taken together, these improvements produce higher-quality and higher-durability concrete over the lifetime of a structure.

Product Spotlight: SINTA™ FDS

The SINTA™ FDS is a fluid delivery system containing microfibres that automates their dispensation into concrete. SINTA™ FDS guarantees both a measured dose of MicroFibres and a uniform dispersion throughout the concrete matrix. By treating MicroFibres like an admixture, it can be assured and documented in the batch like any other material. Automating dispensation improves productivity and safety at the ready mix plant, and in hands-on trials results in both easier concrete handling during a pour and a smoother finish.

SINTA™ F Fibres and SINTA™ FDS are compatible with all other our admixtures. Producers can achieve amazing strength, flexibility and finishability by using SINTA™ F Fibres products in combination with superplasticisers such as ADVA®. For more information on how to achieve your optimal mix design, contact GCP today.